Monday, May 24, 2010

Day Four (Yoga X)

I'm a few days behind in my blogging so a few of these will be pretty brief just to catch up. Yoga X was difficult, but not unbearable. It starts out with a lot of quad endurance testers, but about half way through becomes more about flexiblity.

I was concerned going into this because my legs were still in a lot of pain from the plyometrics workout on Tuesday. In fact, they were more sore than the previous day and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do any of the Yoga X DVD. It starts out slow though and ten minutes in my legs were loose enough to perform everything. By the end of it, I felt much better than before I started, and was able to move around more freely when it was time for beach volleyball.

The diet was a little more challenging today because we usually grab beers and tacos after volleyball. I wasn't really feeling like drinking and didn't want to eat bar food, but I still went to the bar with everyone, so I just ate my protein bar and drank water. I had to eat much later than I wanted which was kind of inconvenient for myself and my GF, but its just something I'll have to get used to. Four down, 86 to go...

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