The pictures I uploaded were taken today before I did Plyo, so I consider them to be after 8 days on p90x. I just got a new battery for my camera so I decided to take some snappy snaps. Originally I only wanted to post pictures after two weeks, but I was surprised at the results after one week so I figured they were worth sharing. The biggest difference I notice is some slimming around my midsection, and some definition in my back and shoulders. This is definitely due to emphasis on the core (Ab Ripper 3X per week), and pull-ups twice a week. Either way, I'm happy with how it's going so far. (Compare these pix to those I posted before Day one in "P90X: The Justification")
Plyo today was much easier to complete. Partially because I knew what was coming up and could pace myself, but also because I had more endurance. My legs are worked, but they don't feel as fatigued as they did even a week ago. I'm not used to having any definition in my quads, but half way through this DVD, I noticed my legs were getting pretty pumped up. Of course when it was over I was pretty relieved, and happy I don't have to do it again until next week.
Tonight I go to BVB in Manhattan Beach which should be the true test of endurance. Last week I was really feeling the burn and couldn't jump very high at the net. Hopefully today I'll have a little more energy left. Nine down, 81 to go...
Soooo I am now following... actually, Thomas is going to start taking me through the workouts on his days off from the fire station. Obviously they are big on it there... good work. Looking good!