Easy Peasy (Well, compared to the first couple of days). I'm not sure if I got the most out of this workout though, because I spent a lot of time switching weight plates on and off of my handles. It was ridiculously annoying. Probably took me twice as long to do this DVD as it normally should because I had to pause so much. Also, I kept choosing the wrong weight to use because I was just guessing as to how much to do and basically missed the first sets (this exercise was another REPEAT where you do everything twice).
I'm sure it will be tougher when I do it next week and have more weights and thus less "break time." These routines were at least somewhat familiar to me. I do variations at the gym so my muscles weren't so clumsy with each move. I'll have to do my best not to drop the dumbbells on my head as there are a couple moves where the weight is directly over me, just missing by a couple of inches. I can see myself getting tired and slamming the bar into my temple, or losing grip during a "skull crusher" (triceps work out where you lay on your back and push the dumbbell away from your head pivoting at your elbow) and dropping it on my face. I'm sure it happens because Tony (instructor) gives you a tip not to exhaust yourself on this particular variation as a safety precaution.
Ab Ripper X was a little easier today, but I was still unable to do the last half without taking a break. Its probably going to take me a while before I can do it all continuously. Its really difficult, but when its over, the relief is amazing.
The diet was fine again today, though I am a little sick of eggs and will probably do the shake for breakfast. Variety is what will save me with this, but that also means a lot of shopping for fresh meat and produce. I had to go to the store again today, and I don't even recognize my cart anymore. Soy sausage, turkey bacon, berries, skim milk... It looks like Joel (good buddy and former roommate) and I switched baskets. Still miss bread a bit, but I'm getting used to it. There were several times at work today where i had to stop myself from grabbing a ring of calamari, bread stick, or some other goodie that was in the kitchen, and snack instead on my protein bar. I'll break the habit though.
Tomorrow is Yoga X. I'm not sure how this will go as my legs became increasingly sore as the night went on from yesterday's Plyo workout. I can't imagine they'd be fully recovered by the morning. I guess we'll see. Three down, 87 to go.
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