Something new! Part of this work out can be really intense, but others are manageable . Tony's (instructor on DVD) tip of the day is to remember to engage everything at all times, which I may not have been doing. It took me a little longer to complete this than the 58 minutes that it lists because I had to keep pausing and rewinding to see the demonstration of the moves.
This is a core (abs, lower-back, lower chest, upper legs, trunk) work out that also involves pretty much every muscle in your body. For example, they will have you do a lunge that involves a triceps kickback, biceps curl, and shoulder press in consecutive moves. So far this is the best cardio workout I've had as well. My heart rate was at its highest point, and I was sweating throughout the entire thing. If weights are used, they are light and only to add a small amount of intensity to the already difficult exercises. I'm looking forward to doing this again in a few days now that I am familiar everything and can really push it.
I experienced a bit of hunger today because I was running around town. I had a commercial audition for Garnier (that actually went pretty well), which I was rushing to because it was a last minute call. I finished my workout and had a protein shake, but that only filled me up for about an hour. I had some carrots and a protein bar on the ride from hollywood to manhattan beach for volleyball, but it didn't really do the trick. I had enough energy to play, but had those hunger pangs in the pit of my stomach. When I got home I had a big dinner with tilapia, potato, and green beans, followed by my nighttime shake which satisfied me. I'm really looking forward to next week when the fat-burner phase is over and I get to eat carbs with every meal (I never thought I'd be looking forward to eating oatmeal, a sandwhich, and having brown rice, all in the same day, but so it goes). 23 down, 67 to go...
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